St Alkelda’s Window
Some time in 2014, two members of St Alkelda’s Church were searching in the Parish Room for items to sell at the church fair.
During their search, they noticed under a heap of dusty, discarded items a glint of stained glass. They investigated and found they were staring at a somewhat dirty, stained glass lancet panel.
At first they thought they were gazing at a bedraggled angel. It didn’t take long for them to identified the figure as St Alkelda, at the point of martyrdom, being strangled by a green girdle – a type of priestly sash – in the hands of two gauntleted fists. St Alkelda was standing in what looked like her holy well, which would have been used for baptisms.
And so began a series of fundraising efforts to pay for the restoration and to have the window inserted into one of the clear glass panes.
The window is now in place in the south aisle for all to see.