Christmas Day Family Worship

St Alkelda's Church Church Street, Giggleswick, North Yorkshire, United Kingdom

"For unto us a child is born!" - Friends and families from our three parishes come together on this special day to celebrate the birth of Jesus... the gift of salvation to the world.

Nativity Service with Tableaux

St Alkelda's Church Church Street, Giggleswick, North Yorkshire, United Kingdom

A narrated Nativity Service with live tableaux performed by local children and the singing of carols.

Advent Fair

St Alkelda's Church Church Street, Giggleswick, North Yorkshire, United Kingdom

Join us for Refreshments Cakes . Hot Chocolate . Scones . Gifts . Crafts . Raffle. Face Painting . Teddy Tombola . Choco Lotto . Toys . Activities . Stalls… & much more

Service and Act of Remembrance

St Alkelda's Church Church Street, Giggleswick, North Yorkshire, United Kingdom

Service followed by an Act of Remembrance

The Art of Flowers

St Alkelda's Church Church Street, Giggleswick, North Yorkshire, United Kingdom

Paintings by Lilian Clark (1899-2003) will be exhibited alongside flower displays. There will be a silent auction of the paintings and the flowers will be raffled at the end of the event. Artwork - Flowers - Silent Auction - Refreshments … Continued

Upsy Daisy Cafe

St Alkelda's Church Church Street, Giggleswick, North Yorkshire, United Kingdom

A day to embrace positivity and to not let the small everyday annoyances of modern life stop us enjoying every moment. We’ve borrowed the US national ‘Upsy Daisy Day’, along with their national ‘Best Friend Day’ (both celebrated on 8th … Continued

Easter Sunday

St Alkelda's Church Church Street, Giggleswick, North Yorkshire, United Kingdom

On the first Easter day, Jesus’ disciples found his tomb was empty, then met and ate with the risen Jesus. Our celebrations continue with the principle service celebrating the Resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead. The service includes readings, … Continued

Taize Service

St Alkelda's Church Church Street, Giggleswick, North Yorkshire, United Kingdom

Holy Monday Meditation

St Alkelda's Church Church Street, Giggleswick, North Yorkshire, United Kingdom

A quiet, reflective service for Holy Week.

Palm Sunday Procession and Service

St Alkelda's Church Church Street, Giggleswick, North Yorkshire, United Kingdom

We enter into Holy Week with palm branches, a reading of the Passion and Holy Commmunion. Our procession starts at Holy Ascension Church and we process to St Alkelda's Church at Giggleswick. The procession reminds us of Jesus’ entry into … Continued

Harvest Festival

St Alkelda's Church Church Street, Giggleswick, North Yorkshire, United Kingdom

Come and celebrate the harvest with us at our annual harvest festival. The service will be led by Ray Jones, one of out Lay Worship Leaders and all gifts will be donated to the Settle Food Pantry.

Fauré Requiem

St Alkelda's Church Church Street, Giggleswick, North Yorkshire, United Kingdom

Come and Sing Singers: 2pm-5pmAn opportunity to come and sing the classic choral work of the French composer Gabriel Fauré and join a friendly group of singers for the day, conducted by Darren Everhart and accompanied by Ellie Everhart on … Continued

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